
Every year, many municipalities, cities, and regional and national governments around the world are asked to deliver more while spending less, despite the unrelenting increases in energy and waste management costs. Budgets are becoming harder and harder to balance, and normally the only choices these public sector organizations face is either to delay projects or to raise taxes, with neither alternative being attractive.

Despite these budgetary pressures, these public organizations have various energy and waste infrastructure needs. Some governments are looking for ways to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels. Other governments are simply looking for economical and dependable ways to power local communities. Still others are concerned about diverting plastic waste away from landfills and oceans. These are large, complex issues and often hard to address. Through its proprietary infrastructure delivery model, REI Global helps municipalities, cities, regional and national governments future-proof their waste and energy infrastructure requirements.

Industrial, Commercial, Institutional

Industrial, commercial, and institutional organizations in many regions around the world have significant energy and waste infrastructure needs. Some are looking for ways to reduce their cost of waste disposal, lessen their waste footprint, or lessen the amount of plastic waste going to landfill and oceans. Others are looking for alternative fuels to power their equipment. Many large organizations are looking for innovative ways to lower power costs. Still others are looking for energy independence. Whatever their waste and energy infrastructure goals, REI Global helps the industrial, commercial, and institutional sector attain those goals.

Remote Communities

There are numerous remote communities around the world. Often these remote communities have no electrical power whatsoever or have inadequate waste management systems. Still other remotes want to lessen or eliminate their dependence on diesel generation power systems. Through its proprietary infrastructure delivery model, REI Global helps remote communities future-proof their waste and energy infrastructure requirements.